Prosperity Boost 11 17 22

Manifesting your dreams is possible.

Successful manifestation requires you to get crystal clear on your specific goals. Make sure your goals are what you want – not what someone else wants for you.  They have to matter to you.  Then break the goals down into small steps that you can achieve.  That way you can see yourself doing something each day.

You have to believe in yourself.  You have to believe that you have the ability to actually do the small achievable steps and then that you can achieve your goal.  Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”  If you can’t believe in yourself then this is a place where you start to do some work.  We have to believe in our head, in our heart, and in our gut that we can grow and improve ourselves.

Finally, we have to take action.  All of this is great knowledge, but it has to be put to use for anything to happen in your life.  If you find yourself overwhelmed, break your goal down into even smaller steps.  When I wanted to be come a minister the big goal was overwhelming.  But calling to find out the requirements was a pretty easy first step.  Then I signed up and took the first class I needed.  It took me 5 years to reach my goal but step by step I got there.  And you can do that too.

Below are some tools that can help.

  1.  Make a treasure map or vision board.  This is a visual representation of your goals.  You might have one treasure map or vision board or several.  It is important that you are able to see it regularly.  On it you will want words and images that demonstrate the dreams, the energies, and the values you want in your life.  You may cut pictures from magazines or find images online.
  2. Keep a journal of your dreams or intentions.  You can work with this daily, weekly or even monthly.  Write out your dream, your goals and intentions.  Plot your future and make note of your progress.
  3. Pay attention to your beliefs.  Watch for signs of subconscious beliefs.  It is said that 95% of our lives are directed by our subconscious beliefs. Reflect on the beliefs and then work to transform the ones that no longer serve you.
  4. Keep a gratitude list or journal.  When you pay attention to the blessings in your life it is inspires you to think positively and to find more blessings.  Doing this is like saying “Thank You” to the Universal Mind of God that indwells us all.  Universal mind doesn’t need us to say thank you – we need us to say thank you so that we develop the practice of becoming more aware of the abundance we are already blessed with.  Gratitude is magnetic – because when we focus our attention on good things, we get more good things in our lives. It is a good way to end your day if you write down 5-10 things you are thankful for.
  5. And before you go to sleep not only paying attention to what we are grateful for, we can use this time to download new information into our minds.  Dr Bruce Lipton has proven that when we are in the relaxed state before sleeping it is a great time to reprogram our subconscious mind. We can use subliminal recordings and affirmations.
  6. Another tool is to write a letter from your future self.  Imagine that you are in the future – maybe 1 year, 5 years or even 10 years (any period you select – since it is 2022 maybe you want to write a letter from 2025.)  Imagine that you have achieved your dreams in that time period and begin to write as if you have already embodied and experienced everything you long for. Tell yourself what you’ve achieved.  Fill in as much detail as possible.  Address an envelope to yourself and keep it in a save place so that you can read it when that time comes.  You will be amazed what you set in motion with this tool.
  7. Use positive affirmations, such as:
    1. I am a beloved child of God and am worthy of receiving my heart’s desire.
    1. I trust the universe and its goodness.
    1. Daily I am moving towards my highest dreams.
    1. I am open and receptive to all the good that the Universe has for me.
    1. I am always learning, growing and evolving.
  8. Think outside the box.  Thomas Jefferson said, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.”  Reread that – it’s powerful.  You and I have to make a conscious choice to move out of our comfort zone and we need to look for opportunities to do that daily. Maybe take a class, invite someone new to lunch or ask someone for help.
  9. Have a prayer practice.  Take at least 5-10 minutes a day to talk to the Universal Mind of God that lives in you.  Just talk about what you are grateful for and what you want help with.  After you have spent a few minutes talking – stop talking and just be open to listen.  You might not hear an answer in that very moment, but you will receive the insights and knowledge you need.  You just have to pay attention.

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