Prosperity Boost 11 3 22

The biggest way to help yourself to complete your goals is to pray about them.  Jesus told us to “Ask and you shall receive” 


Master Mind Prayer is a list of 8 steps, conceived by Reverend Jack Boland who was a powerful and well-known unity minister in Detroit for years at what was then the largest Unity church in the world.  He created these steps as a systematic way to help people achieve their dreams and goals

The steps can be used in your own personal prayer time, or in a prayer group.  They are powerful, life-changing steps.

Why is it called “Master Mind?”  There are many names for God.  Father Mother.  Divine Presence.  Holy Spirit.  Source.  Divine Mind.  Master Mind is another name for God and speaks to the aspect of God that is Divine Mind.  There is one universal mind in the universe that is the source of all divine ideas.  We all have access to this Universal Mind of infinite wisdom and knowledge.  Jack Boland chose to use the term Master Mind to refer to this aspect of God.

STEP 1 – I SURRENDER.   I admit that my personality self is powerless to solve my problems, powerless to improve my life.  I need help.

STEP 2 – I BELIEVE.  I come to believe that a power greater than myself – the Master Mind – can change my life.

STEP 3 – I  AM READY TO BE CHANGED.  I realize that erroneous self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness, fears and failures.  I am ready to have my beliefs and attitudes changed so my life can be transformed.

STEP 4 – I DECIDE TO BE CHANGED.  I make a decision to surrender my will and my life to the Master Mind.  I ask to have my life changed at depth.

STEP 5 – I FORGIVE.  I forgive myself for all my mistakes and shortcomings.  I also forgive all other persons who may have harmed me.

STEP 6 – I ASK.  I make known my specific requests (  )knowing that the Master mind is fulfilling my needs.  (asking my partner’s support in)

STEP 7 – I GIVE THANKS.  I give thanks that the Master Mind is responding to my needs, and I assume the same feelings I would have if my requests were fulfilled.

STEP 8 – I DEDICATE MY LIFE.  I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the Master Mind is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life. 

I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God and those around me; to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow; and to remain responsive to God’s guidance. 

I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.  I am at peace.