Prosperity Boost 11 3 22

The biggest way to help yourself to complete your goals is to pray about them.  Jesus told us to “Ask and you shall receive” 


Master Mind Prayer is a list of 8 steps, conceived by Reverend Jack Boland who was a powerful and well-known unity minister in Detroit for years at what was then the largest Unity church in the world.  He created these steps as a systematic way to help people achieve their dreams and goals

The steps can be used in your own personal prayer time, or in a prayer group.  They are powerful, life-changing steps.

Why is it called “Master Mind?”  There are many names for God.  Father Mother.  Divine Presence.  Holy Spirit.  Source.  Divine Mind.  Master Mind is another name for God and speaks to the aspect of God that is Divine Mind.  There is one universal mind in the universe that is the source of all divine ideas.  We all have access to this Universal Mind of infinite wisdom and knowledge.  Jack Boland chose to use the term Master Mind to refer to this aspect of God.

STEP 1 – I SURRENDER.   I admit that my personality self is powerless to solve my problems, powerless to improve my life.  I need help.

STEP 2 – I BELIEVE.  I come to believe that a power greater than myself – the Master Mind – can change my life.

STEP 3 – I  AM READY TO BE CHANGED.  I realize that erroneous self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness, fears and failures.  I am ready to have my beliefs and attitudes changed so my life can be transformed.

STEP 4 – I DECIDE TO BE CHANGED.  I make a decision to surrender my will and my life to the Master Mind.  I ask to have my life changed at depth.

STEP 5 – I FORGIVE.  I forgive myself for all my mistakes and shortcomings.  I also forgive all other persons who may have harmed me.

STEP 6 – I ASK.  I make known my specific requests (  )knowing that the Master mind is fulfilling my needs.  (asking my partner’s support in)

STEP 7 – I GIVE THANKS.  I give thanks that the Master Mind is responding to my needs, and I assume the same feelings I would have if my requests were fulfilled.

STEP 8 – I DEDICATE MY LIFE.  I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the Master Mind is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life. 

I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God and those around me; to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow; and to remain responsive to God’s guidance. 

I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.  I am at peace.

Prosperity Boost 10 20 22

4 Boxes & Golden Key

4 Boxes

Imagine 4 boxes or squares with an arrow from box 1 to box 2, and an arrow from box 2 to box 3: and an arrow from box 3 back to box 4, with an arrow from box 4 back to box 1.  Or imagine a circle with f points on the circle, each pointing to the next point (going clockwise).  The first box has the words Decision, Belief and Perception.  The second box has the words we gather evidence.  The third box has the words We act on the evidence and the fourth box has the words others react to us.

The purpose of this picture that I’m asking you to imagine is the cycle that you and I participate in all the time.  Whenever we hold a particular decision, belief or perception we unconsciously start gathering evidence that support that belief.  And then we act on the evidence and others react to us which reinforces the original belief. 

How does this apply to prosperity?  If our basic belief is that we ‘aren’t good enough’ we will look for evidence that supports that belief – even to the point of ignoring evidence that shows how worthy, we are.  That leads us to acting from that place of unworthiness and then others will react to us as unworthy, and our original belief of unworthiness will be reinforced. 

Which belief do you hold? Is your underlying belief that are unworthy, or do you hold the underlying belief that you are a beloved child of God who inherits all of the goodness of God’s kingdom. If you are unsure which is your subconscious belief, all you have to do is look around at your world.  Are you experiencing lack or abundance?

The Golden Key – by Emmet Fox

Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness.

 To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no one’s word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself.

 God is omnipotent, and we are God’s image and likeness and have dominion over all things. This is the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. The ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Everyone has this ability Whoever you are, wherever you may be, the golden key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine action takes place, and your treatment will be just the getting of yourself out of the way.

 Beginners often get startling results the first time, for all that is essential is to have an open mind and sufficient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any views on religion, or none.

 As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing: it may concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable: but whatever it is, stop thinking about it and think of God instead — that is all you have to do.

 It could not be simpler, could it? God could scarcely have made it simpler, and yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.

 Do not try to form a picture of God, which is impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or everything that you know about God. God is wisdom, truth, inconceivable love. God is present everywhere, has infinite power, knows everything, and so on. It matters not how well you may think you understand these things: go over them repeatedly.

 But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is, to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. To be continually glancing over your shoulder in order to see how matters are progressing is fatal, because it is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God and nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you forget for a while about the difficulty, you will find that you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty — that your demonstration is made.

 In order to “golden key” a troublesome person or a difficult situation, think. “Now 1 am going to ‘golden key’ John, or Mary. or that threatened danger”: then proceed to drive all thought of John, or Mary, or the danger out of your mind, replacing it with the thought of God.

 By working in this way about a person, you are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter, he is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual person, just because you have “golden keyed” him. A pending lawsuit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned.

 If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought of the matter until the next time. This is important.

 We have said that the golden key is simple, and so it is, but of course it is not always easy to turn. If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God: I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God: God is love; God is guiding me now; or, perhaps best and simplest of all. God is with me — however mechanical or trite it may seem — you will soon find that the treatment has begun to “take.” And that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently; be quiet, but insistent. Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.

 Do not try to think in advance what the solution to your difficulty will be. This is called “outlining” and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the question of ways and means to God. You want to get out of your difficulty that is sufficient. You do your half, and God will never fail to do God’s.

 “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).

Prosperity Boost 10/13/22

A verse from the Old Testament says, “Choose this day who you will serve.”  Choose this day.  Will we serve God or will we serve the world.  Will we get caught up in the world’s beliefs?  It is conscious choice that you and I make.  And it means that literally in every now moment, no matter how it looks, will we make a stand right there?  Will I be an opening for God, for love, for peace to come through?  Or will I go with my first reaction? 

And we make that choice every time by where we place our attention.  There is a spiritual law, it operates every time, what we focus on increases. 

God doesn’t change.  God is always present.  But if we choose to focus on a problem or a challenge, as long as we focus on that problem the problem increases.  As long as we focus on what is wrong, we aren’t open and receptive to the solution.  When we focus on God, more love and more peace must come through.  Whatever we focus on we get to experience more of.  We get to prove our belief systems.  All there is God.  God is the big Truth.  Everything less than God is our opinion.  You and I get to experience our opinion over and over and over again.

         If our opinion is that God is less than or that God is lacking in any way that is what we get to experience.  But that doesn’t limit God.  Michael Beckwith a new thought minister says, “Take your limits off of God and God will take his limits off of you.”  Because God already is the perfection, the wholeness, everywhere present.  But your opinion is your beliefs.  And so, every moment in our lives gives us a chance to choose again.

         Before I came into Unity, I didn’t know I had a choice.  Many of us really didn’t know that God was a Spirit that lives within me.  An omnipresent Spirit that was all powerful.  I didn’t know that.  Maybe there were times in your life when you didn’t know this.  But we know this now.  And so now we have the opportunity to practice what we know.  Now we not only know it, but we also make it the experience of our lives by doing it.  What we are talking about is a Spiritual Practice.

Psychologists tell us that it takes 21 days to lay down a habit.  Our brain works on habit.  Some people are habitually up – that’s because it is a habit.  If we want to transform our lives, we have to find a way to break our cycle of thinking.  We aren’t patterned that way.  We have to practice.  We have to lay down a new pattern.  Eventually with a new pattern it will become automatic to turn to God.  To look for God in every situation.  And we will find God in every experience.  But we have to practice it.  We have to realize we have a choice.  C – H – O – I – C -E.  Right in the middle – “Oh! I see.”  When the ship hits the sand, we have to have a queue to help us remember this Golden Key.  I want to suggest “Oh! I See” – this is another opportunity for me to make a choice.  If someone cuts in front of us on the highway we can say “OH! I see” this is another opportunity to learn patience.  This is another opportunity to think about God.

There is a little booklet, by Emmet Fox published by Unity, called the Golden Key.  It is one of the most concise, easy to understand descriptions of how to overcome any problem.  It begins with “Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty.”  This process is aptly described as scientific because it is verifiable and repeatable just like any other scientific procedure… like any other scientific law.  God has no favorites; it works for you and me alike.

         And it is so easy.  There are only two steps.

         I’d like for you to think about your problem, or that person who really pushes your button.  Do you know who or what I’m talking about? 

OK, step one is STOP!  Just like Diana Ross’s song – Stop in the name of Love.  You have to find a way to stop thinking about that problem, that difficulty, that person or whatever or whoever it is.

         And step two, Start thinking about God Instead.  Just start thinking about what you know about God.  It doesn’t have to be a big chant or a dissertation.  whatever you know about God.  All you know might be a verse from a song like Jesus loves me – don’t worry that’s enough.

         That’s it!  nothing could be simpler.  It doesn’t matter what the problem is.  I don’t have a job.  My roof is damaged.  My house is flooded.  She drives me crazy.  It might be a little thing, or it might be a big thing.  It might concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else.  It doesn’t matter what it is, whenever we begin to worry, all we have to do is stop thinking about the problem and think about God instead.

         What do we know about God?  We know that God is present everywhere. We don’t have a problem bigger than God.  I’ve known people that could talk about an ingrown toenail over and over until it was so big you would think that it was like children starving in India.   We know that God has infinite power.  We know that God isn’t less than this problem.  We know that God knows everything.  That God is all good, that God is wisdom, truth, inconceivable love.  What matters is that we are thinking about God.

         The object is for us to push any worry thoughts out of our consciousness, substituting those worry thoughts with thoughts about God.  It sounds so simple, and it is.  This method is simple, but it isn’t easy.  It takes practice.  And it is hard to stop thinking about what worries us.  But with practice we can learn to respond with God thoughts automatically whenever we are faced with a worry thought or any thought of lack or limitation. 

When I came into Unity and began to know the Unity Principles, I thought that if I could just get them down right, I’d never have another problem.  If I just walked down the spiritual path life would be a bed of roses like in a fairy tale.  You know I had looked for prince charming so I could live happily ever after and that didn’t work.  When I embrace Unity and our income quadrupled, I thought wow this is wonderful We’ll never have another problem.  Have any of you ever thought that?  Was I ever wrong.  What Unity does is teach me how to get beyond the problem.  It teaches me how to be calm in spite of the storm.

Even as we begin our spiritual journey, we have many unconscious beliefs that we are unworthy, all of the race conscious beliefs, thoughts that we are unloved, not good enough, ideas of lack and limitation.  And they are in our consciousness.  And when they come up is the very moment we must choose for God.  We must say: “Oh, I see.  Wow, there is an old belief.  I must choose for God.  Now is when I must turn my attention to God.

         If I’m applying for a job and get another rejection letter I can say “Oh I see, this is another opportunity for me to learn to love myself. This is one step closer to my perfect placement.  It is a call for me to turn my attention to God with thoughts like I am a beloved child of God called to do God’s work.  God is guiding me now.  God is with me now.”

         In the tough times, when the storms like Ian blow into our lives, when our relationships seem to be falling apart, when we lose our jobs, when someone we love dies – that is when we must turn to God.  And when we do that is when the miracles happen.  That is when the old belief systems begin to crumble, and our lives are transformed.  We don’t have any problem bigger than God.  We don’t have a problem that God’s grace can’t solve.  We have to learn that in every now moment we have a choice, especially when those moments seem tough.  In each moment we can say “Oh, I see,” there is a mystery going on here, I don’t understand this, but I know that God is present.  Oh, I see now is the time for me to pray.  Oh, I see, now is the time for me to read my daily word.  Oh, I see, now is the time for an affirmation. 

         In the days to come I invite you to use the Golden Key method.  I invite you to practice this phrase Oh, I see whenever anything happens this is an opportunity to turn my thoughts away from my problem, or my loved one’s problem and turn my thoughts to God.

Prosperity Boost 9 8 2022

In his book Like A Miracle, Ernest Wilson said “Prosperity is basically an attitude of thought and feeling, only secondarily a matter of money. For ideas are coin in the mind realm.”

Dollar bills and coins are the legal tender here on earth – but, when we are praying for prosperity, God doesn’t open a heavenly billfold and hand out bills and coins – no, when God is paymaster, Ideas are the Spiritual Tender of the universe. To be prosperous, we can’t discount or throw away God’s divine ideas.

There was a man who couldn’t come up with any new ideas. This man was a cartoonist, and this occurred in 1950. He had a little cartoon column in a local paper, but he wasn’t making enough money to support his wife and small son.

He sat at his drawing table and prayed “God, I know that you are the giver of all good ideas. Now I have my pencil in my hand and I know through you I can have a cartoon strip that will be successful not only here in this town but will be successful all across the country. I give myself to you. Here is my hand, here is my pencil, here is my mind, give me the idea.”

He didn’t even have the chance to open his eyes before his wife came storming into the room shouting. She said, “Your son is a menace!” He said, “You mean Dennis?” A light bulb went off in his head and he drew all day and all night long on the comic strip Dennis the Menace.

He prayed for an idea and a simple ordinary event, his son misbehaving, triggered something really big.

One of my favorite Dennis the Menace cartoons had 2 frames. In the first frame, Dennis and his family are in church singing the song In the Garden – they are singing the verse that goes “…and he walks with me, and he talks with me.” The second frame shows Dennis asking his parents and the minister who Andy is. And they obviously don’t have a clue what he’s talking about. I know that this was published years ago, but I still remember it and get a chuckle. It has brought me pleasure each time I hear the song.

In her book, Meet it with Faith, Martha Smock wrote, “Anyone who has ever prayed earnestly and sincerely for prosperity has discovered that his answer came, not as manna from heaven, but as an idea that cried out for action.”

In Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus told Peter to go fish and take the coin from the mouth of the first fish that comes up. Metaphysically, fish represent ideas in which there is great possibility of increase. It says that Jesus frequently used fish to illustrate his teachings because he was a living demonstration of ideas and that all that Jesus did was in the realm of ideas rather than in the real of effects.   The miracle of the coin being in the fish’s mouth emphasizes the fact that divine substance is at hand to meet all needs. Gold in the fish’s mouth tells us that plenty exists in the most unexpected places. We should never limit supply channels by our thoughts, but we should keep our consciousness receptive to the idea of abundance so that good can manifest in any of God’s ways.

So how do we get and capitalize on these divine ideas?

For us to be prosperous in any area of our life, we must pay attention to the ideas that come to us. Then we must spend time with the that idea until it becomes a clear picture in our mind. And then we must take action to bring the idea into manifestation.

Before Unity Village existed physically, it was an idea in God Mind – and then it became an idea in the Fillmore’s minds.

Being from Louisiana, an example of a great idea that I am familiar with is Tabasco Sauce. In 1868, Edmund McIlhenny of Avery Island, La., created this wonderful condiment. He had an abundance of ripe red peppers that he needed to use. He took the ripe red peppers, mashed them up with a small amount of salt and aged them. Today, they are aged in white oak barrels for up to three years. The “mash” is then blended with vinegar and bottled. The box says that it is made and aged much like a fine wine.      

Following through with his idea, has not only prospered the McIlhenny family, but Avery Island, all of the people who work for the McIlhenny Company, and the state of Louisiana. Now you can buy green Jalapeno Tabasco sauce, and you can buy ties, T-shirts and all sorts of Tabasco memorabilia. tobacco is so well known, Tabasco ties are available at the mall here in Melbourne, Fl. Two weeks ago, I saw them in the Atlanta airport. The McIlhenny Company sells so much Tabasco today, that instead of having peppers that they don’t know what to do with, they are having to import peppers because they can’t grow enough peppers, fast enough.

Not only has this been a good idea as Tabasco sauce, if you visit the hot sauce section of Albertsons or Winn Dixie or Publix or on Amazon you will find that others have modified this idea and today there are many varieties of Louisiana hot sauce. And each one appeals to someone’s taste. Many people and companies are benefiting from this one idea.

One of my favorite lines from Eric Butterworth’s book Spiritual Economics is “You are never further than one idea away from all the wealth in the Universe.”           

Norman Vincent Peale was approached by a young man who wanted to start his own business but lamented that he had no money.

Peale reportedly responded to him, “empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty head and empty hearts can do that.” Ideas that influence our lives spring from people who are not concerned with what they lack, but people who focus their attention and persistence on making their idea a success.

If we get an idea or an inner urge, we need to pay attention. Like going to a meeting or speaking to someone you don’t know.

At one Thursday noon prayer service, a parent came and shared a concern about their child’s health with a friend. And someone who was at the noon prayer service for the first time shared their story about a similar health challenge and a new book and diet that had relieved their symptoms. I believe that God wanted the parent to know about this book and this treatment and that God arranged them to meet. Both parties responded to the urge or idea to be at that prayer service.

Whatever our prosperity need is, be it for money, or love, or happiness, or health, God will prompt us with ideas. It is our job to be open and receptive to letting God’s perfect idea express through us.

This week’s ever lasting truth is that the Spiritual Tender of the Universe is Ideas. And the next idea we get, might be the next Tabasco Sauce or it might be the urge to say hello to someone who connects us with our next job or someone who is destined to be our best friend.  But we have to take action

I have a very small book available on Amazon: 30 Simple Ways To Change Your Life: Manifest your Purpose and Dreams. It is filled with ways for you to make small changes in your life. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read for free. If you read it and find it helpful, please leave a favorable review on Amazon.