- I am safe – I will not be betrayed
- My presence matters
- I am goodness
- You are wanted
- You are valuable
- You are so creative – I recognize your special attributes
- Your needs are not a problem, we are here to help fulfill your needs
- You are safe
- You will be taken care of
Last week we talked about divine ideas being the ‘spiritual tender’ of the Universe. And when we get an idea, we need to spend time determining if the idea is for us or is it for someone else. As we contemplate the idea we need to see if it is in alignment with our life’s purpose. Can we generate passion for the idea.
A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association has linked a strong sense of purpose with a lower risk of all-cause mortality after age 50. The study followed about 7,000 adults over the age of 50. The participants were interviewed using a questionnaire to rank their life purpose. Researchers assigned life-purpose scores based on participants’ responses and followed up with them five years later. They found that participants who had the lowest life-purpose scores were twice as likely to have died than those with the highest scores.
I believe that this is true for groups, organizations and churches. When a church has a clear sense of its purpose it is more likely to grow and survive.
When you and I are clear about our purpose, we don’t only live longer but we free up our passion. We free up our energy. We become able to overcome impossibilities. We become unstoppable.
Think of someone that is really excited and really loves what they are doing? Their enthusiasm is palpable. Their energy is inexhaustible.
How do we get that inexhaustible energy? When we find what we love that which feeds our soul and when we are following our heart’s desire nothing can stop us.
There are Bible figures who faced impossibilities.
I think about David and Goliath. Over 3000 years ago teenage David took lunch to his brothers on the battlefield and discovered they were frozen in fright. The Israelites were battling with the Philistines. The Philistines had more soldiers and in fact as a people they were very large – much larger than the average Israelite.
The Philistines made an offer. They would allow 1 Israelite warrior and 1 Philistine warrior to do battle and settle the conflict. Now that doesn’t sound too bad unless you know about the Philistine warrior.
Goliath was the meanest fiercest warrior you could imagine. The Bible says he was strong and that he was 9 feet 9” tall.
Now I know you all know the story of David and Goliath… but I think there may be a part you missed.
In 1Samual 17 it says that Saul who was king has made a great offer to the person who would fight Goliath. Here is what David learned. The King would give whoever killed Goliath, great riches and his daughter in marriage and he would make his father’s house free in Israel.
Can you imagine an impressionable young shepherd being told that if he could go out kill Goliath, he would be rich, his father would be rich, and he would get to marry the princess?
That sounds pretty enticing, doesn’t it? But I believe that in that moment David wanted to marry the princess, be rich and to be the hero in everyone’s eyes.
So, we know that David found his purpose – and he got excited – he got energized. And we all know that he killed Goliath with a stone. Now there are all sorts of metaphysical truths in this story – but even without metaphysically interpreting each part – David trusted himself and he trusted God and he really wanted to marry the princess and be rich. While alone on the hillside with his sheep he had learned that with God all things are possible. His purpose and his passion gave him inexhaustible energy. So, when Goliath taunted him, the bible says that David said, “you may be big, but my God is bigger.”
I don’t know what Goliath might be standing in the way of your dream today, but I am inviting you to get really clear about your purpose and let your passion lead you forward. And if you get afraid, just say you may be big, but my God is bigger.
When we realize our purpose, there may be times that we come across obstacles. But having clarity will give us the energy and ability to overcome any obstacle.
Goliath represent in us the fear of failure that is so strong that we don’t even try. Or an obstacle that seems impossible to overcome. Such as a huge debt you have that stands in the way of building the business you want to build. Or a health challenge you’ve never seen anyone heal from before.
What stops us is we think there is a circumstance that we’ve never seen overcome. Or maybe we’ve seen others overcome similar circumstances, but we don’t believe it can happen for us.
Author John Maxwell says “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.
- Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion.
- Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare.
- Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
Before her death, Linda Bremner, sent thousands of letters to children she didn’t even know. This started in November 1980, Linda’s eight-year-old son, Andy, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After he returned home from his hospital stay, he was welcomed with cards and letters from friends and relatives.
Linda said, no matter how bad he felt before the mailman arrived, he always felt better afterward. Eventually the flood of cards and letters tapered off. So did Andy’s cheerful spirit. Linda mailed him a note she wrote herself and signed it “Your secret pal.” Andy perked up and after that she never let a day go by without her putting another cheerful message in the mail for Andy.
After a month, Linda found a picture that Andy drew for his ‘secret pal; and at the bottom he had written “P.S. Mom, I love you.” He knew that his mom was sending him the letters, but they still lifted his spirits. Andy died 4 years later.
Linda was heartbroken. Sorting through her son’s belongings she found an address book listing all the friends he had made at a cancer camp. So, Linda started sending letters to his friends. One of the kids wrote her back saying, “I didn’t think anyone knew I was alive. Then she got a thank you from another child. This brought Linda joy and a new purpose and a new passion.
She founded Love Letters which brought her joy and happiness even as she was bringing joy and happiness to others.
Let me encourage you to pay attention to the ideas that come to you. Think about them. When you find one that makes your heart sing, or causes you to feel renewed excitement or energy, I would invite you to go for it! Remember nothing is impossible or too big for God!
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