Prosperity Boost 11 24 22

Successful manifestation requires you to get crystal clear on your specific goals. Make sure your goals are what you want – not what someone else wants for you.  They have to matter to you.  Then break the goals down into small steps that you can achieve.  That way you can see yourself doing something each day.

You have to believe in yourself.  You have to believe that you have the ability to actually do the small achievable steps and then that you can achieve your goal.  Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”  If you can’t believe in yourself then this is a place where you start to do some work.  We have to believe in our head, in our heart, and in our gut that we can grow and improve ourselves.

Finally, we have to take action.  All of this is great knowledge, but it has to be put to use for anything to happen in your life.  If you find yourself overwhelmed, break your goal down into even smaller steps.  When I wanted to be come a minister the big goal was overwhelming.  But calling to find out the requirements was a pretty easy first step.  Then I signed up and took the first class I needed.  It took me 5 years to reach my goal but step by step I got there.  And you can do that too.

Below are some tools that can help.